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AFRICA: IOF funds 6 sustainable development projects in Cameroon and DRC

AFRICA: IOF funds 6 sustainable development projects in Cameroon and DRC©Homo Cosmicos

The results of the 1st call for proposals launched on May 20, 2021 by the Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD), are known. They are six projects, funded to the tune of 1.2 million euros. Among the initiatives selected is the project to set up the Polytech FabLab in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The initiative of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé aims to support the development of renewable energies in Central Africa and more specifically, the local design and computer-aided manufacturing of micro-turbines for the decentralized production of hydraulic energy. This project has been awarded a grant of 300,000 euros.

The same amount is granted to the project to set up the EcoWaste FabLab in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Proposed by the Evangelical University of Bukavu, this project aims to provide innovative and modern solutions to the management and recovery of waste.

Technological innovations

In the field of technological innovation, two projects have been selected. The project for the creation of the Center for Research and Technological Innovation in Environment and Health Sciences (Critess), by the University of Kinshasa (DRC). The project proposes a holistic approach to the fight against malaria through an original health-environment approach through the integrated fight to reduce the reproduction of Anopheles in high-risk areas and the production of nano drugs. The grant awarded to this project is 170,000 euros.

The project of excellence in the production of technological innovations in agro-industry, implemented by the École nationale supérieure des sciences agro-industrielles of the University of Ngaoundéré in Cameroon, is part of the same theme. Located at the crossroads of three countries in the Congo Basin, the project, subsidized to the tune of 170,000 euros, will ensure the incubation of agri-food innovations by young people in the Central African sub-region.


The Production and dissemination of innovations for ecological construction and equipment in Cameroon is the fourth topic selected by IFDD. An activity carried out since 2016 by the Mission for the Promotion of Local Materials (Mipromalo) to support innovations on alternative building materials and the reduction of building material costs for disadvantaged populations. This project is awarded a grant of 170,000 euros.

The other project selected concerns the realization of a study on the state of local and indigenous knowledge in sustainable development and its use taking into account the specificities related to gender and equality between women and men in the DRC and Cameroon. This is an idea of the Regional Post-Graduate School on Integrated Management of Tropical Forests and Lands (in DRC), which has received a grant of 150,000 euros.

A second call for proposals is announced

The calls for proposals of IFDD, a support body of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), are implemented in two target countries, Cameroon and DRC. With the help of national partners such as Kongo University and Eden Africa in the DRC, and Engineers Without Borders in Cameroon, IFDD selected the best research projects capable of supporting sustainable development in the Congo Basin.

A second call for proposals of the same kind is underway. It aims to select 9 new projects for an additional envelope of 1.47 million euros.

Boris Ngounou

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