Sustainable development and CSR ALGERIA: France’s Danone now treats its wastewater in the wilaya of Béjaia
Employment, education & training Water management: African professionals receive their diplomas in Paris
Water & environment AFRICA: in 2023, the Global Green Event will be focusing on environmental professions
Water and sanitation networks AFRICA: with the exception of Egypt and Tunisia other countries will not achieve SDG6
Urban waste management Ivory Coast: 33 health centres in Abidjan equipped for medical waste management
Non-collective sanitation Ivory Coast: 17 cities to be equipped with 20 faecal sludge treatment plants
Non-collective sanitation MOROCCO: SDRT launches the water and sanitation component of the Anchor Point project
Preservation of the resource AFRICA: Arena launches Clean Shore Great Lakes project to clean up the Great Lakes
Sustainable development and CSR AFRICA: Activist Alizée Mabilon to cycle through 11 drought-stricken countries